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Re: <select multiple> and WCAG compliance


From: Sailesh Panchang
Date: Oct 24, 2017 7:50AM

I echo Jonathan's experience.
Also hold the control key as one goes up and down with arrow keys and
use space to select/deselect.

On 10/24/17, Jonathan Avila < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> I have been able to select non-contiguous options using Firefox but I have
>> not been able to do so using Chrome or Internet Explorer. Has anyone been
>> able to do so in either of those browsers?
> I've been using shift+f8 for multiselect in IE since 1999. It's a
> well-documented keystrokes to select non-contiguous items.
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Avila
> Chief Accessibility Officer
> Level Access, inc. (formerly SSB BART Group, inc.)
> 703.637.8957 (Office)
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] On Behalf
> Of Steve Green
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:24 AM
> To: WebAIM Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [WebAIM] <select multiple> and WCAG compliance
> My view is that if it doesn't work in all the major browsers, then it's a
> WCAG non-compliance even if the code is HTML standards-compliant. That
> particular WCAG success criterion does not require the HTML to be compliant
> - it requires the feature to be keyboard accessible, which it isn't.
> I have been able to select non-contiguous options using Firefox but I have
> not been able to do so using Chrome or Internet Explorer. Has anyone been
> able to do so in either of those browsers?
> There is another, perhaps bigger, issue. When returning to a page containing
> a multi-select combobox, the user does not know it is multi-select. If they
> give focus to it without holding down the necessary modifier key (which
> seems to be different in each browser) all the selected options will become
> unselected. There would therefore need to be some text explaining this (and
> the need for text explaining how your UI works is usually a clue it's a bad
> design).
> Regards,
> Steve Green
> Managing Director
> Test Partners Ltd
> > From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > on behalf of Roel
> Van Gils < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Sent: 24 October 2017 12:47
> To: WebAIM Discussion List
> Subject: [WebAIM] <select multiple> and WCAG compliance
> Hi,
> I consider using `<select multiple>` (see example below) a very poor
> practice in terms of accessibility (and usability in general). I usually
> suggest using a series of checkboxes instead.
> <select multiple>
> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
> <option value="saab">Saab</option>
> <option value="opel">Opel</option>
> <option value="audi">Audi</option>
> </select>
> Most users don't know they have to hold down a modifier key (dependent on
> the OS they're using) to select more than items, and even if even they know
> (or tell them), it's hard for certain users to operate the keyboard and the
> mouse at the same time. Without a mouse, I believe that's not even possible
> in most browsers.
> Screenreader support is also spotty, but it's possible (if you try hard
> enough).
> My question is: is it acceptable to let a website fail for WCAG 2.1.1 ('Make
> all functionality available from a keyboard') when the author uses perfectly
> valid and semantic HTML? That seems wrong.
> That seems really weird, because, after all, it's perfectly valid and Plain
> Old Semantic HTML.
> I'd love to hear your opinions.
> Roel
> --
> Roel Van Gils
> Inclusive Design & Accessibility Consultant
> Tel.: +32 473 88 18 06
> Skype: roelvangils
> Twitter: twitter.com/roelvangils
> LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/roelvangils
> > > http://webaim.org/discussion/archives
> > > > http://webaim.org/discussion/archives
> > > > > >

Sailesh Panchang
Principal Accessibility Consultant
Deque Systems Inc
Phone 703-225-0380 ext 105
Mobile: 571-344-1765