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Re: status of jQuery and accessibility


From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Dec 12, 2017 12:55PM

"I know Bryan's AccDC has a whole jQuery collection, but my concern is
that the devs I am working with are going to need copy and paste (for
specific UI components/patterns (or as much as possible), and I think
typical devs find it hard to extract that from AccDC, but Bryan, if
there's an easy way, feel free to let me know (either off or on list)."

Hi, yes, the AccDC for jQuery plugin is just that, a plugin, and all of the accessible widgets in the TSG at the following locale are copy and paste, and can be adapted from those within the Coding Arena folder. I've helped other devs who have done this for large scale mainstream projects.

It's important to note something, jQuery isn't a widget archive, but you are probably referring to jQuery UI which is. All of the widgets in the above url are powered by jQuery.

All the best,

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] On Behalf Of Jennifer Sutton
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 11:33 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: [WebAIM] status of jQuery and accessibility

Greetings, WebAIM (along with others I'm bcc-ing who aren't on the list):

I don't hear/read much about jQuery and accessibility any more, but I'm working on a project that requires it.

And I'm in need of copy and paste solutions for accessible UI components
of jQuery; much as we may wish otherwise (or I sure do), this isn't a
*training* opportunity.

Below my name are the resources I have that I *think* are the most
up-to-date, but does anyone have additional thoughts, especially quick
notes/bullets about particular "gotcha" areas?

I remember, at one time, there was a very focused accessibility effort
with this framework, but I haven't seen much for a while.

I presume the *version* of JQuery being used will matter, but my hope is
that the solutions I cite below, along with others folks may suggest,
will be generic enough.

I also note that there's a jQuery mobile, or at least there was, at one
time, so I guess there may be an entirely different set of patterns for
that? Or maybe it's been merged? But perhaps I am being unduly hopeful.

Thanks in advance for guidance and recommendations.



This is a pointer to one of Hans Hiland's jQuery demos. But these have
been around for a while. Are they still useful?:


I know Bryan's AccDC has a whole jQuery collection, but my concern is
that the devs I am working with are going to need copy and paste (for
specific UI components/patterns (or as much as possible), and I think
typical devs find it hard to extract that from AccDC, but Bryan, if
there's an easy way, feel free to let me know (either off or on list).

I think they'd start here:


I see this Matrix, from Level Access (formerly SSB BART Group), but is
it current?


[This is *not* meant to point a finger at Level Access; these kinds of
things are *incredibly* hard to keep up-to-date!]

And finally, this kind of thing is what I'm really looking for:
