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Re: Disclosures


From: Jonathan Avila
Date: Aug 10, 2020 9:35AM

When I work with PDFs that use layout tables like these I often change the PDF tag structure to not use tables and instead use headings to indicate the heading content on the left and make the content on the right of the table paragraphs. This won't change the visual appearance but makes more sense to screen reader users.


-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > On Behalf Of Aaron Krug
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 11:13 AM
Subject: [WebAIM] Disclosures

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I am being asked with putting up a disclosure like this on our site, FYI this is not ours but the layout is the same as it is a standard in financial realm. Either as a web page and/or as a PDF. I am wondering what accessibility issues would be caused by having the layout like this. Note that the layout in the PDF is all in tables and they want me to keep the page layout the same. Is there a way to make it ok for accessibility?


Aaron Krug

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