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Re: Questions about NVDA and JAWS


From: Ilana Gordon
Date: May 13, 2021 8:24AM

The issues are more related to the structural tagging. An example of
language that identifies "defects." Oh that word gets me too!

Example 1. The table information announced by the screen readers JAWS and
NVDA differs. On page 2 (6 of 40 pages), Screen reading software does not
announce the
correct table information for users of screen reading software. i.e. Screen
reading software JAWS announces table with "8 columns and 15 rows" while
NVDA screen
reader announces table with "9 columns and 15 rows".

All of your responses are in line with what I'm thinking. The problem is
this particular Agency has hired auditors for compliance (who by the way do
not give solutions only identify problems) and whoever set up the criteria
obviously didn't consider any of these important issues that make the
software unique in the way it reads the tags. There are many things that
can be accomplished so that both do the right thing. But they are different
and I find it impossible to remediate so that both do the same thing all
the time.

Thanks for corroborating!

On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 10:13 AM < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> If I am not mistaken (it's been a long time), I think both can be
> personalize such as changing keystrokes or add new ones, changing some of
> the default languages, etc. It's not something you can find easily but
> with a few keystrokes to get to the settings will display a wealth of
> options you can adjust. Both are different but I believe JAWS is more
> adjustable than NVDA. Then again, it's been a long while so that may have
> changed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > On Behalf Of
> Noble,Stephen L.
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 8:34 AM
> To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Questions about NVDA and JAWS
> That's sort of like trying to get the Windows and Mac OS to have exactly
> the same user experience. Screen reader developers have their own opinions
> on how things should be voiced and users often gravitate to one or the
> other based on those differences. While both screen readers have extensive
> options to personalize the reading experience, some of the voicing for
> interactions is essentially hard coded and cannot be changed by the user.
> --Steve Noble
> 502-969-3088
> > From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > on behalf of
> Ilana Gordon < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 8:49 AM
> To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> Subject: [WebAIM] Questions about NVDA and JAWS
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of our organization. Do not
> click links, open attachments, or respond unless you recognize the sender's
> email address and know the contents are safe.
> Hello all,
> I am wondering if it is possible to have NVDA and JAWS always read the
> same way. One of our government clients is using both to audit documents
> and we're having a hard time marrying the two to read things exactly the
> same way.
> I have my explanations but wanted to get some professional opinions from
> this community. Any insight is appreciated.
> Ilana
> --
> Ilana Gordon
> Word Wizards, Inc
> 8609 2nd Avenue, Unit 406-B
> Silver Spring, MD 20910
> *v.*301-986-0808 *fax.*301-986-0809
> *Direct: 240-380-2639*
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Ilana Gordon
Word Wizards, Inc
8609 2nd Avenue, Unit 406-B
Silver Spring, MD 20910
*v.*301-986-0808 *fax.*301-986-0809
*Direct: 240-380-2639*