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Re: ARIA used in SEO (Search Engine optimisation)


From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Dec 7, 2022 11:12PM


Thanks I saw that article before. It would be good if Google responded to give a very clear answer.

Sean Murphy

Sean Murphy | Senior Digital System specialist (Accessibility)
Telstra Digital Channels | Digital Systems
Mobile: 0405 129 739 | Desk: (02) 9866-7917

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-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > On Behalf Of Laurence Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2022 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] ARIA used in SEO (Search Engine optimisation)

[External Email] This email was sent from outside the organisation - be cautious, particularly with links and attachments.

I don't think Sean's question is about 'should I use ARIA for SEO purposes', but is SEO affected by the use of ARIA. For example if I extend the information on a button from the visible text Buy now to use an aria-label Buy this product now' is the 'Product' identified in the search algorithms.

Running a quick search I did not find any specific information that ARIA benefits SEO in any way. The most relevant opinion I found is the first answer in the following webpage.

- Does ARIA help SEO? Have you experienced any benefits for organic

References used

- List of Google Search ranking updates
- How results are automatically generated

Laurence Lewis | Accessibility Senior Specialist

Telstra Digital Channels | Digital Systems