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Thread: WordPress carousels - any that doesn't autoplay?


Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)

From: Judith Blankman
Date: Fri, Jun 16 2023 12:39PM
Subject: WordPress carousels - any that doesn't autoplay?
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I’m looking for a Wordpress carousel that is fully accessible vs. any that promoters say are accessible but aren't.

My guess (hopefully) that developers made the controls usable and keyboard accessible, at a minimum, not realizing there’s more to do.

I haven’t evaluated the options available to me, and intend to. I was hoping this mindhive might have already done so and can save me the effort. My primary concern is finding one that doesn’t constantly rotate, or that can be stopped via a button or simply by user interacting with the controls.

That said, I’d also be open to working with someone who knows how to modify any out of the box plugins to enable the constant rotation to stop, or even to not engage autoplay at all and let the user fully engage in reviewing the content presented.

BTW, if you recognize my name, I am retired in 2021 after seven years as an A11y SME at Wells Fargo working on the public site and some mobile apps. We ensured that carousels functioned so that the rotation would stop with user interaction.

Thanks a bunch!

Judith Blankman

From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Fri, Jun 16 2023 12:53PM
Subject: Re: WordPress carousels - any that doesn't autoplay?
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Hi Judith, it's been a long time. 😊

This isn't specific to WordPress, but if it's possible to import JS through the themes manager then it may be usable.

Here are some template examples that do as you ask, and many other config options are available to customize behavior when implementing. The config options are documented on the page at https://whatsock.com/Templates/Carousels/index.htm , and the code can be downloaded from https://github.com/WhatSock/apex

Autorotate: https://whatsock.com/Templates/Carousels/AutoRotate/index.htm
Manual: https://whatsock.com/Templates/Carousels/ManualRotate/index.htm
Slideshow: https://whatsock.com/Templates/Carousels/Slideshow/index.htm

If it's not possible to import into WordPress, hopefully others here can point to a WordPress plugin that does the same.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > On Behalf Of Judith Blankman
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 11:40 AM
Subject: [WebAIM] WordPress carousels - any that doesn't autoplay?

I’m looking for a Wordpress carousel that is fully accessible vs. any that promoters say are accessible but aren't.

My guess (hopefully) that developers made the controls usable and keyboard accessible, at a minimum, not realizing there’s more to do.

I haven’t evaluated the options available to me, and intend to. I was hoping this mindhive might have already done so and can save me the effort. My primary concern is finding one that doesn’t constantly rotate, or that can be stopped via a button or simply by user interacting with the controls.

That said, I’d also be open to working with someone who knows how to modify any out of the box plugins to enable the constant rotation to stop, or even to not engage autoplay at all and let the user fully engage in reviewing the content presented.

BTW, if you recognize my name, I am retired in 2021 after seven years as an A11y SME at Wells Fargo working on the public site and some mobile apps. We ensured that carousels functioned so that the rotation would stop with user interaction.

Thanks a bunch!

Judith Blankman